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Taylor'd Wellness Chiropractic
Struggling with Addiction?
What is addictionology?
Addiction is traditionally viewed as a lack of control or willpower. However, more recently, it is seen as a much more complex disorder. Addictionology has been proven to help with many types addictions, including alcohol, drugs, as well as food and compulsive disorders. Taylor’d Wellness Chiropractic offers patients chiropractic adjustments in conjunction with addiction therapy to help overcome cravings and emotional trauma. Therapy includes a physical detox that eases withdrawal symptoms and lowers the chance of a relapse during the detoxification. If you think you qualify for addictionology treatments, call Taylor’d Wellness Chiropractic to schedule a consultation.
Make Rehabilitation Easier
Many Americans struggle with addiction at some point in their lives. At Taylor’d Wellness Chiropractic, we provide a holistic approach to healing and lowering the chances of addiction. Addiction is not just a psychological issue, physical factors are involved as well. Dr. Taylor works with mental health specialists to provide counseling that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction and promotes overall healing and health. If you want to know more about addictionology, call Taylor’d Wellness Chiropractic to see if you are a qualifying candidate.
Dr. Taylor is a certified addictionologist who can help you overcome your addiction to medication, alcohol and other drugs. Our methods at Taylor’d Wellness Chiropractic are evidence-based and proven to be more effective than traditional rehab. For more information, call Taylor'd Wellness Chiropractic.
Choose A Certified Addictionologist
Find out why residents in White Sulphur Springs, Bozeman, Helena, Billings, and surrounding communities choose Dr. Cody Taylor, an addictionologist committed to patient education and understanding. Call Taylor’d Wellness Chiropractic to arrange a consultation today and find out if you're a qualifying candidate for our chiropractic care!
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