+ 1-406-547-2375 | moc.citcarporihcdrolyat%40cwt
Taylor'd Wellness Chiropractic
Dr. Cody Taylor
Dr. Taylor has been practicing chiropractic since 2008. Born and raised on a ranch, Dr. Taylor grew up riding a horse to school and engaging in a lifestyle that revolved around animals. His rural background brings a unique perspective to Dr. Taylor's nine years of experience as a licensed chiropractor for both humans and animals.
Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, IA, D.C.
Excelsior College, Albany, NY, B.A. in Science
Animal Care Equipment & Services (ACES), Meridian, TX, Graduated in Animal Chiropractic
American College of Addictionology and Compulsive Disorders Certified
American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA) Certified
My overall operating philosophy is the belief that that body can heal itself. We can all become better than we once were, mentally, physically, and spiritually. However, I also believe it takes time to heal. For some, the healing process is occurs quickly, but for most, healing is a gradual, yet rewarding process. Like removing a continually growing garbage pile, one must clear away uncomfortable blockage in order to start fresh. To maintain this renewed feeling, it is vital to regularly evaluate the spine to ensure minimal nerve interference. Once you feel better, you want to continue to get better, healthier, and more successful in life! Don't go back to where you were. Continue to move forward and tell all your friends and family!
Our Team
Marteen Taylor
Marteen helps around the office and sometimes accompanies Dr. Taylor on his travels to treat animals. She was born and raised in the same town as Dr. Taylor, they married and have five beautiful children together.
Jade Taylor
Chiropractic Assistant
Dr. Taylor's oldest daughter, Jade checks patients in and out and processes their paperwork.
For more information, or to schedule a chiropractic appointment for you or your animal, call us.
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